Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year

Wow, is this year already gone? So much has changed and happened this year for me. I've moved twice, once back to NC & then from the NC mountains to the coastal area. Now don't ask why. Everyone always asks why. I think it's because they can't believe I would leave the beauty of the mountains to come to the flatlands of NC.

Anyway, goodbye 2008 & Hello 2009!

2008 was more good than bad, more hard than easy and so much more than I expected. It was hard to carve out a new role for myself - but, at the same time it was strangely rewarding. I think it fits. I will hopefully be ringing in the New Year awake, but I could possibly be asleep.

So look to hear more from me on all my upcoming changes in 2009; back to school, hiking/backpacking stories, getting in touch with my art again, getting fit through healthier eating & exercise, and hopefully getting back closer to my beloved mountains.

I'll be back in 2009 with good things to share. Happy New Year, internet.

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