Okay so here's the latest on my pita update (and I mean PITA, not PETA). I like to affectionately refer to a few friends in my life (you know who you are) as pita; for those who don't know this term it means "pain in the ass". I use this term endearingly, I swear. These friends are people I care about but sometimes they require a little more
upkeep maintenance than other friends.
So this one is about Koz, he knows he's a pita; and about how he made me feel crappy about myself a few weeks back. I won't go in to details but his reaction to a situation wasn't the best and it pissed me off. Needless to say I finally called him out about it after
plotting revenge stewing about it for a few weeks. I sent him an email stating he was a "jerk"; I know harsh right?
ANYWAY, he emailed me back after I had convinced myself I wasn't going to hear from him again saying how badly he felt and he even followed up with a phone call. So in my world all is forgiven, after all like I said before; his pita self inspired me to work diligently at the gym and I have lost 10 pounds!
But he's still a pita and not because he's high maintenance but just because he is. He's one of those few friends who really can say what's on their mind to me and yes sometimes
I want to smack him it hurts but he always says it like it is. Everyone needs a friend like this. He knows he's a pita but I think he affectionately thinks I am too. :)